Textile Free?! Thermalbads and Spas in Germany

Okay, I am the first to admit that the idea of stripping down to my birthday suit in a public place was more than a little off-putting to me when I first heard about German Thermalbads (a Thermalbad or Therme is a spa-like setting, often with multiple pools, saunas, and steam rooms). But now thatContinueContinue reading “Textile Free?! Thermalbads and Spas in Germany”

Train Travel in Europe

Intimidated about taking the train in Europe? Don’t be ~ here are a few lessons I’ve learned about this fun, easy and affordable way to see this part of the world!

HOOKED on Verona!

This past weekend I visited Italy, and I am hooked on Verona. I hope you don’t mind if I share, share, share. When most people think, Verona their minds turn to love, Romeo and Juliet and Shakespeare’s famous play. However, I am here to tell you that the famous balcony is the sneaky hook theContinueContinue reading “HOOKED on Verona!”

Travels through provincial France

The first time I heard the phrase “a provincial life” was Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” soundtrack. I remember my children loved the sound of Belle belting out the woes and hardships of such a mundane and austere life. I sympathized with her to discover more. Her dissatisfaction with having the same old pastry maker,ContinueContinue reading “Travels through provincial France”

Leipzig, Germany

For a last-minute Valentine’s get-away with my hubby,  we tried our first Blindbooking trip with Eurowings. Now, I hope we have many more to come… this time it was lively Leipzig, Germany. If you haven’t taken a BLINDBOOKING trip yet, do it!