Things to do in Bath, England

7 Sensible Things to do in Bath, England! A city that celebrates Jane (Austen) all year comes to life in fall with color, costumes, dancing and much more!

Touring the Mosel wine valley

What a great tour of the Mosel wine valley this past weekend, culminating with the Bernkastel-Kues wine fest…but I share a few more stories!

One day in Prague

Is Prague on your “must-see” list? Here is a walking map, links to locations, excellent restaurant recommendation and much more! For this and other traveling ideas, visit

My top 10 favorite Travel Bloggers

Ever wonder where a travel blogger gets inspiration, that’s easy…great friends and other travel bloggers! This week I’m highlighting my top 10 favs

All aboard! Scenic railroads in southern Germany

This summer we explored the different scenic railroads of southern Germany. From the valleys along the Danube to the Black Forest enjoy this beautiful land.