Queen Mary 2 Transatlantic CRUISE

If you were to tell me six years ago I would be taking the Queen Mary 2 Transatlantic Ocean Liner from Europe to America, I would have said, ” Yea, right!” A cruise voyage like this was not even on my radar. However, in this life, you just never know. Initially, when we began theContinueContinue reading “Queen Mary 2 Transatlantic CRUISE”

Deluxe accommodations in Scotland!

I just got back from a great trip to Scotland and had the opportunity to stay in some deluxe apartment accommodations in Edinburgh and Inverness and I can’t wait to tell you about them!

A Weekend in West Sussex, England

An impromptu visit to England this fall helped me explore the eastern shore towns of West Sussex with my sweet friend, Frances. Here’s a little blog on a few of our adventures ~

A Weekend in Western Ireland

Take a walk with me through western Ireland exploring volcanic rocks, ancient dialects and landscape beauty beyond compare.

Dublin for the weekend

Ireland…on the top of everyone’s “must-see” list. Dublin for the weekend? Here’s a glimpse of some pure Irish fun!